Thursday, June 18, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos

Yipee!!! Today, I am grateful for 32 years of life!!!
This year has been a year of growth and reflection for me. In so many ways I learn more about myself and why I am who I am.
Lets start with the highlights. Well the biggest blessing this year has been the addition (and completion) of the family with the birth of Victoria Lucia (a.k.a New Baby). She is a beautiful and happy baby, just like her sisters. She was born on Dec. 23rd and that day I was born a mother of three. Third time is a charm, I finally felt a little more aware during the delivery; it helped knowing what to expect. Although, it was still just as painful. But I was very proud of the peace that surrounded me that day and helped me through the delivery, even the anesthesiologist said I didn't look like I needed anything.. We are now officially the Gutierrez Girls: Maya, Sofia and Lucia. Maya and Sofia teach me more and more about my strengths and weaknesses everyday. I learn that I have to find patients, even amidst the most aggravating of moments, for their sake. I learn that boundaries are just as important as love and compassion and that they go hand in hand. And I am continually trying to lead by example I try to show them what is right and wrong through example. I am not a perfect mom, in fact more times than not I find myself down and out. I make mistakes. But they are worth trying to be better.
Another highlight has been that of "Reconciliation". This year I was able to mend fences with my sister and have found a great friend. It has been great having her around. The girls love their Tia Goya too. They were pleasantly surprised to hear all the songs in church written with their Tia Goya's name.. Its been nice!
This year, unfortunately has been very difficult health wise. This year I said Hello to a new beautiful Baby Girl and Bye Bye to my Gall Bladder, personally, I think I am still ahead. Health wise, it has been an unrest for both Carlos and I, but its really caused us to look at what we eat from a different perspective and realize that our health is vital to our family. I look forward to a better year of health ahead.
Last but never least, Carlos and I completed 6 years of marriage together. Wow ! I won't lie, its been rough. But we are still trying to find our roles and balance our life. I know I get busy with the kids and sometime he seems last on the list, but I am very grateful to have him in my life and I do appreciate all that he does. As the girls say it, "Daddy is my prince".
I am very blessed this year, My family is growing both as a Gutierrez and a Moreno. My family members are healthy physically and getting through this difficult financial time. Both my husband and I have jobs and a place to call home. I can't ask for more.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 2009

Its been quite a while since the last time I posted a where should I begin.

Our home has become extremely busy with the three little ones. New baby is finally sleeping through the night, which is great because I've returned to work (so sad).

New Baby (now 5 months) is rolling all over the place, from her tummy to her back and from her back to her tummy. She wants to grab everything, which has earned her the nickname 'mil manos' She is very even tempered and happy. She, just like my other two daughters, is perfect.

Sofia is as cute as a bug, she is eating all the time, but doesn't seem to gain any weight. Her vocabulary is expanding at a tremendous rate, she speaks in full sentences now. Some of her favorite things to say include, "no Maya, that's mine". "I want apple juice please", "Baby is laughing" Mentally she is growing at a very fast pace

Maya, understands everything, She is learning how to write her letters and other words. She is a great counter and has mastery over shapes and colors. Maya is growing up before my own eyes and I am just taken aback at how sharp she is. She is also becoming very opinionated, and to say the least she has a mind of her own. At least once a week we battle over "what to wear" She'll like something one day, but not the next, causing immense distress for her father who is trying to get to work in the morning. But we are managing.

Carlos and I have had our share of health issues these past couple of weeks. He underwent surgery for his eye and for me, I had surgery for a hernia and gallstone removal. I am currently recovering from my surgery. When it rains it pours, both of these things came up within a couple of weeks of each other. But again, we managed to get through it.

In March Carlos and I celebrated 6 years of marriage, to celebrate we went to the SF zoo and then hung out that night in a Hotel room, with the girls. 6 years ago, neither Carlos and I thought we would have 3 beautiful daughters, a dog and this life. We are grateful for every blessing that god has given us.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bienvenida a la familia

This Christmas the Gutierrez family received one of the best gifts in the world...a new family member. On December 23rd 2008 at 11am in the morning, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl named Victoria Lucia. She weighed 8lbs 9oz. and was 19inches in length.

Victoria's due date was December 25th, but I was certain she was going to be early. I didn't want her to be too early. Shortly before Thanksgiving I started feeling some very strong braxton hicks contractions, One Monday morning the contractions were very strong and were very close together. Dr. Cueto advised me to get on bed rest and take it easy. I did as the Dr. ordered and went on bed rest right away. In my mind I thought this baby is coming sooner then later....well she definitely had a mind of her own. The braxton hicks kept coming and it became harder and harder to move around.

On Dec. 19th, I went to the Dr's office, I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. One week prior I was 1 cm and 50% effaced, so I was definitely progressing. Victoria was enjoying hanging out in mommies tummy, she wasn't sure if she wanted to join us for Christmas.

I had contractions on the 19th at night for an hour...then it stopped....more braxton hicks I thought. All weekend long I was getting contractions, they were sporadic and painful. Then again Sunday night Dec. the 21st, I had more contractions, these were about 5-7 minutes apart and lasted anywhere between 2-3 minutes in length. They lasted from 10-12pm, then just like that, they ended until 5am in the morning. I thought this was it..... and then just like that a couple hours later, they stopped again.

Carlos and I were both starting to get a bit restless, so we decided to walk her out. We went to the mall to walk....for three hours. Every hour or so I would get the occasional, painful contraction and just continue to walk. Once I arrived at the house, I was exhausted, and still nothing that indicated the baby was on arrival.

Dec. 22nd at night, I advised Carlos to go to work. "This isn't happening any time soon", I told him. The contractions appeared to be few and far between, I was starting to think that this was going to be a New Years baby and not a Christmas baby after all.

Dec. 23rd at 6am in the morning, I told Carlos that he can start getting ready for work. I would stay home with Sofia and Maya and wait for the baby to come. Just then at 7 am, I started feeling some strong contractions. These were definitely painful and they were long. Carlos was just about to jump in the shower and get ready for work, when I turned to him and said.... "We need to go to the Hospital NOW!", He looked at me and asked, So can I take a I said..."NO, GET THE GIRLS READY NOW! Needless to say, he got the picture, got the girls ready and we were on our way.

By the time we arrived at the Hospital at 9:30, I was already dilated 6-7cm and in immense pain. They asked if I wanted epidural....YES! OF COURSE! They called the anesthesiologist and had him administer the epidural, by then I was already 9cm dilated and in active labor. I must say, I was very proud of my pain control that day, even though it was very painful, I was able to get through it without having to be scraped off the ceiling. In fact, I was very collected and calm, both the anesthesiologist and the nurses were very impressed.

Victoria arrived shortly thereafter at 11am, it was love at first sight. She was a healthy weight of 8lbs. 9oz. and beautiful beyond compare. She had a rosy pink complexion and a natural urge to nurse. At that moment not only was Victoria born, but I was reborn a mother for the third time. I wanted nothing else but to give this little precious gift, all the love I possibly could.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Wow, what a week. This week has truly invigorated my belief in the democratic process and in America. It has been exciting to say the least.

On Tues November 4th, 2008 the entire family went to vote. Sofia and I voted int he morning and Maya and Daddy voted in the evening. Maya was a bit confused, she knew she was going to go vote, but was very disappointed to find out that she would not be seeing Obama . "Where is Obama? " Daddy explained to her, that we had voted for Obama, and that doesn't mean that he is going to appear. That evening as the kids slept, Carlos and I stayed up and witnessed history. Barrack Obama was elected president. Finally an end to the Republican regime and their ridiculous foreign policy.
The days following the election have been exilerating, the country has been aglow and the world now sees the US in a different light. The path that lies ahead for Obama will be difficult to say the least. He has to clean up the mess of a a Bush administration and a republican congress, two wars, an economy in crisis and a nation divided....poor guy, sounds like a tough job.
This has quite significance to our family. After Tuesday night, I realized that anything is possible.... it makes me optimistic for the future, for my daughter's future.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Harvest Festival

Maya and Sofia at their Harvest Festival

This year Maya and Sofia were able to participate in the ChildTime Festival in Roseville CA. Maya was dressed as a princess (of course). Snow White to be exact. And Sofia was a little bumblebee. Maya enjoyed the face painting and the games, while Sofia enjoyed the treats, especially the cupcakes. It was definitely a good precursor to Halloween that is only a week away.

Bishops Pumpkin Farm

Every October, we enjoy visiting the Bishops Pumpkin Farm in Wheatland CA. We visit the animals in the petting zoo. Enjoy a old fashion hay ride to the pumpkin patch and pick out our pumpkins. Not to mention, we enjoyed some great tasting pumpkin pie and soothing hot chocolate.

As the girls become more and more aware of our yearly tradition, we are able to enjoy the yearly event and see our little girls cherish the time with their family. This year, Sofia was able to pick out her own pumpkin, and Maya being the pro that she is was also able to pick out her own pumpkin. They were not large pumpkins but they had plenty of character, and we had a great time picking them out.

Later that day we enjoyed watching the pig races, going down the slides and taking the train ride around the farm. After all was said and done, we called it a day. We had our pumpkins and our memories of a day well spent.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

End of Summer

Summer has come and gone, faster than we can say...Bailout. We had a wonderful summer with our daughters and are looking forward to even better Autumn ahead.
A new cousin joined our family, Luc Miguel Moreno, or Mini -Mike joined our life on 9/11/08 and he definitely is true to his name. Mike, Tony and Mini-Mike look so much alike, they are definitely Morenos.

I participated in the Heart Walk on 9/18/08 walking a mile and raising money for charity. I'd like to thank all those who sponsored me on my walk and my husband who was my inspiration for participating. Walking has become quite a chore this recent month, so this was a feat all on its own.

New baby is growing and is doing great. She is moving around and kicking like a professional soccer player. I can swear she does bicycle kicks in there. The monthly check up went great, and all is comfy and cozy as far as she is concerned. Carlos and I are yet to pick out a name. Maya has suggested Nemo (like the fish) only because its a girl, she's modified it to Nema. Maya is excited about her baby sister "hatching" on Christmas day. She can't wait for the day when she is able to see her baby sister and hold her. There is only 3 months until the due date, so I can't wait until the baby 'hatches' either.

Maya is a remarkable student, her vocabulary and social skills become more and more refined each day. She likes to read and tell stories and is rarely at a loss for words. She has started playing soccer and is really exercising her motor skills. We enjoy seeing her grow and become an intelligent and dynamic little girl.

Sofia is also advancing faster than she can say "uno...dos". She is now counting and can sing some songs. Her favorite is Old MacDonald. She has learned to say the names of all her daycare friends, but by far her favorite word is "MAYA" and "Mas". Little Baby amazes us daily with her new words and expressions. She's a bright and happy baby.

Carlos and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful little girls. (Feel free to remind me of this the next time they are screaming and crying) I can't imagine life without them.